Family Concept Example Paper
1. Look at each of the categories surrounding the concept of family in the diagram contained in the attached document.
2. For each of the seven categories, write your own definition as it relates to family.Family Concept Example Paper
3. Highlight the impact that each category/topic has on the concept of family.
Family, in its simplest form, has been defined as the basic unit in a society.Family Concept Example Paper Traditionally, a family consists of two parents, bringing up their children. This explanation has evolved, to include single-parent families, extended families, the bond created by friendship or business, or any bondage that cannot be broken (Gavriel-Fried& Shilo, 2016). Family, therefore, means something different to each individual. In trying to understand the concept of family, this paper will look at the unit of family from seven different perspectives.
Sociologists, see family as an intimate domestic group of people, bonded to one another through blood, intimacy (marriage) or legal ties, for example, adoption. A family is seen as the primary socialization place for children. Providing a child with the best childcare, makes an emotionally, mentally and physically strong adult. Sociologists see family as the main pillar of a society or community (Celano& Kaslow, 2000). Other sociologists see family as a social group, characterized by economic cooperation, reproduction, and common residence. A family is where everyone learns to be ethical, honest, compassionate, care, love, reasonable and to have common sense. Women in society, according to sociologists, are mothers and take care of their children in their tender ages. The men, on the other hand, are providers (Chinchilla Albiol, Masuda, et al., 2010).
Systems Theory
A system is a unit, man-made or natural, that survives due to its cohesive interrelated and interdependent constituents. Therefore, according to Dr. Murray Bowen, to understand individuals, they cannot be isolated from one another. Rather, they should be understood as part of their family. Dr. Murray explains family to be an emotional unit. They are systems consisting of interdependent and interconnected individuals, and they cannot be understood in isolation from the family system. Each member of a family has a role to play and has rules to respect. Other members of the family respond to one member, based on the role they play in the family, determined by relationship agreements. As a result of each member having a role to play, patterns are developed, and they maintain balance in the family. They can also lead to dysfunction (Gavriel-Fried& Shilo, 2016).Family Concept Example Paper
Modern cultural definitions of family,tend to see family as a culture in itself (Abbott, 2002). This is because the traditional aspects of family, having two parents raising children, are slowly dying, with the rise of single-parent families. Teenage pregnancies, battered women, artificial reproduction and other cultural factors, make family be described as a cultural unit by itself. Each has its own family structure, poverty levels, and composition. Culture, therefore, sees family as an aggregate unit, with its own attitudes, ideas, and ideals.
Each jurisdiction has its own explanation of family(Aguirre& Wolfgram,2002).Family Concept Example Paper Generally, a family is a social unit,where parents raise their children, either living together or not. In today’s society, certain jurisdictions, have legalized same-sex marriages, with others criminalizing it. In the jurisdictions that allow for same-sex marriages, a family is therefore seen as a unit, between two parents, whether of the same sex or not, staying together or not, in raising children. Jurisdictions that do not allow for same-sex marriages, enforce family between two parents, of different genders, unified in raising children. Most jurisdictions also consider families to be a union between two people, regardless of whether they are married or not. By the application of the law, adoptions also form part of a family.
Anthropologists, such as Bronislaw Malinowski, distinguished family, not to only involve issues of sexual activity. They define family as a bounded set of people, being the mother, father, and children, who recognize each other and can be distinguished from other groups. Later, the role of recognizing the father became controversial and family is more centered on the mother and child. The safest conclusion is that a family is a domestic unit involving at least one adult and one child. A family is a unit that involves childrearing and provides affection and compassion. Changes in family structure can lead to erosion of the importance of family as a social institution (Celano& Kaslow, 2000).
Psychologists are more concerned with the inter-family relationships between the members of a family unit. They, therefore, see family as a unit, bonded by one aspect or another, including marriage, law, and blood. The interfamily relationships are guided by several principles.Family Concept Example Paper Extended family members are also included in the psychologists’ definition of family since they enjoy a certain bond. Common socialization is also a bond, which psychologists argue to constitute a family. Family, therefore, can include friendships and harmony in business. To psychologists, a family is more than just childrearing and biological ties, but it revolves around the bond between those involved. They fulfill each other’s needs based on what the bond is like (National Catholic Reporter, 2010).
Most definitions of family revolve around the same topic, the bond between members (Abbott, 2002). Even in extended families, the bond matters, lack of which will put a stop to the family. The simplest form of family is union by blood or marriage or by law. The complex forms of family are witnessed in extended families, involving so many members. A family that stems from a polygamous great-grandfather, for example, will be so complex, but the uniting factor is blood. Business and friendship ties also form part of a family, based on the member’s relationship or association to one another.
A family is generally seen to be a bond between members who share some commonality. At home, family is love, blood, marriage and the application of the law, for example in adoption cases. In a society, family is the social connection between the members. In business, family is the bond between department members. A functioning family system is cohesive and gets a lot done, whether they are together or not. The most important thing in a family is the bond between the members. Family Concept Example Paper
Abbott, R. K. (2002). The Changing Definition of “Family”. Compensation & Benefits Report, 16(6), 3.
Aguirre, M. S., & Wolfgram, A. (2002). United Nations Policy and the Family: Redefining the Ties that Bind. BYU Journal of Public Law, 16(2), 113.
Celano, M. P., & Kaslow, N. J. (2000). Culturally Competent Family Interventions: Review and Case Illustrations. American Journal of Family Therapy, 28(3), 217-228.
Chinchilla Albiol, M. N., Masuda, A. D., & Las Heras Maestro, M. (2010). Balancing Work and Family: A Practical Guide to Help Organizations Meet the Global Workforce Challenge. Amherst, Mass: HRD Press.
Definition of family becoming broader. (2010). National Catholic Reporter, 46(25), 4.Family Concept Example Paper
Gavriel-Fried, B., & Shilo, G. (2016). Defining the family: the role of personal values and personal acquaintance. Journal of Family Studies, 22(1), 43-62. doi:10.1080/13229400.2015.1020991
MHRP1001_Asgmt-1_18Apr18 (2)(1) Family Concept Example Paper