Reasons to Spay and Nueter Pets Example

Reasons to Spay and Nueter Pets Example

Today a stray dog was shot and killed by a rancher. The dog managed to work its way into a chicken coop and had killed several hens and a turkey.  The dog might have been attractive at one time, but starvation and living in the wild had taken its toll. It was skinny, it’s coat matted and the dog had scars that probably came from fighting. The dog was still wearing a collar with an ID tag attached. Had the animal run away from home or lost its way?  Maybe the dog was dumped in the countryside when it was no longer wanted. What is the answer to problems such as these? The best way to prevent unwanted animals and reduce pet overpopulation is to spay female and neuter male pets.Reasons to Spay and Nueter Pets Example


Every year there are six to eight million unwanted pets taken to shelters; almost half are euthanized because homes cannot be found for them. Pets become unwanted and therefore disposable for various reasons. Owners are unable or unwilling to care for their animals; cute babies that were purchased on impulse become destructive and misbehave as they grow older. Pets are adoptedfor a child who moves on to other interests. They maybecome  pawns in a bitter divorce. People are unwilling to pay extra for a place that will accept animals when they move.  A military spouse becomes deployed, or owners no longer have the time for a pet. Some pets (especially intact animals) feel the need to roam and become lost. Some owners take the time and effort to try to locate another home for Fluffy; others just abandon pets, or dump them in the countryside.

Some pets released into the wild have survived and even thrived. Large Burmese pythons have grown to be such an issue in the Florida Everglades that bounties have been offered to cull the population. The Monk parakeet, indigenous to South America, either freed or escaped, has established colonies in several U.S. states. Unfortunately, domesticated dogs and cats are too far removed from their wild ancestors and most lack critical survival instincts. They often end up becoming prey for larger predators, if they are not first run over on roadways or shot for harassing livestock.  Some will die of dehydration, starvation, or illness. Dogs gone feral have little or no fear of humans. This has resulted is several well documented attacks on humans. With the current economy, shelters have been forced to cut back or even close due to lack of funding. This has left owners of unwanted pets with even fewer choices. The best method to prevent unwanted pets is to address the issue at its source; that is to spay or neuter your dog or cat.Reasons to Spay and Nueter Pets Example

Some pet owners are resistant to altering their pets  and use excuses. They may want the option ofbreeding their pet. Some pet owners consider the cost of the surgery to be prohibitively expensive. And a machismo excuse similar to ‘my pet is male, what do I care if he knocks up someone else’s pet.’ There are many low cost spay and neuter clinics to be found in both urban and rural communities. The benefits of fixing a pet outweigh any excuse. Fixed pets live longer, healthier lives. Their temperament is more moderate and they are less likely to show aggression towards family and friends. Owners no longer have to deal with a surprise litter of kittens or puppies to find yet more homes for. And dogs and cats have fewer tendencies to roam.

A call to the registration number on the ID tag found on the dog in the chicken coop came back with a name and address in a town over thirty miles away. A little more investigation discovered theowner had moved and left no forwarding address. Did this dog wander from home and become lost? Or maybe the dog was dumped and left to survive on its own. Unfortunately neutering this dog would not have saved this particular animal. But if more pet owners took the responsibility to fix their animals, this dog might have stood a better chance of a better life.Reasons to Spay and Nueter Pets Example