Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

Leadership Skills and Planning

Project management for the nurse leader is an essential competency that they must have for a simple reason. The reason is that nurse leaders are the ones that are tasked with implementing change projects and initiatives in organizations. As the project managers, they must therefore ensure that the projects are completed in time and within the budget allocated (Aycock et al., 2017; Sipes, 2020). The purpose of this paper is to present a project management profile for a staff education program on the importance of screening for depression in teenagers. Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay



Identified Design Approach for Identified Problem

The identified problem as stated in the thesis statement is that nurses are not screening adolescents appropriately for depression as should be the case. The solution is therefore to have an educational program targeting the concerned nurses, with the aim of sensitizing them on the importance of prompt and appropriate adolescent depression screening. The appropriate project management design approach for this case will involve a definition of the goals, an appreciation of the project scope, setting of an appropriate communication framework for team members, having clear outcome expectations, risk management, and documentation of the process (Aycock et al., 2017; Sipes, 2020; Sipes, 2016). The design is conveniently a pretest-posttest one in that the same evaluation techniques are used before and after the intervention. The findings will then be compared to see if there will be a change in knowledge in the subjects.  Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

Focus and Setting of the Problem and Appropriate Leadership Style

The setting for this program is a practicum setting within the organization in which the student is undergoing practical training. The focus will be on the ability of the nurses to assess and determine the need for careening when the come into contact with a teenager at risk. Also, the evaluation will be of whether the nurses are planning to have targeted screening visits within the community. This is because a good number of the teenagers who are at great risk for depression and suicidality do not even come to the healthcare facility at all.

In order to have a project implemented successfully, the nurse leader must have the appropriate leadership style. This is because as the project managers they have to work with a team comprising of individuals with different personalities. Managing these individuals and focusing them to the ultimate goal requires skills, talent, commitment, and effort. Of all the leadership styles available, it has been proven that the most suitable in healthcare circles such as nursing is transformational leadership style. A transformational nurse leader will ensure that the workplace environment is positive and has psychological safety devoid of stress and fear. They will inspire, empower, and motivate their staff to perform beyond expectations (Asiri et al., 2016; Choi et al., 2016; Northouse, 2019). Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

Potential Facilitators and Barriers

Some of the potential facilitators to this project are availability of nurses to be educated at the practicum site, availability of time on the part of the doctorate student, and the willingness of the nurses to participate in the project. The barriers on the other hand include heavy workloads making the nurse be occupied most of the time, lack of sufficient funds for the project, and lack of cooperation from some staff members. Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

My leadership style and skills match the facilitators and barriers perfectly. As a transformational leader, I am in a position to find solutions and strategies to counter the barriers. For instance, I will be able to persuade the laggards and obtain their buy-in eventually. Also because of the time constraints on the part of the nursing staff, I will be concise in my educational intervention but direct to the point. What is important is to get the confidence and trust of the nurses and the rest will be easy. With a transformational leadership style, that is not difficult. Project Management For The Advanced Practice Nurse Essay

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