Political Science Essay Example

Political Science Essay ExamplePolitical Science Essay Example

Division of Power and Checks and Balances

Advantages – the main disadvantage I this argument is that there are different levels of administration. As such, there is the possibility that each level will strive to be efficient so as to avoid failing in the checks and balances (Southsearepublic.org, 1). Similarly, the different groups are charged with different responsibility. Again, this serves to enhance efficiency.
Disadvantage – the main disadvantage in the system lies in that there can be a clash of interests. In such a case, the organ that has the higher power can annihilate the ideas of the lower authority. For instance, in case where one level has the veto powers, the organ can veto for or against the idea of the others. In such a case, there is a possibility that the wrong decisions can be reached due to clash of interests at the different levels of administration. Political Science Essay Example


Federalism is a political idea or theory where a group operates by a binding agreement and is headed by a single individual who presides over the affairs of this group. In governments, it refers to the system where the constitution allows the governance of a country to be central and also have smaller governorship units like states or provinces. It is more of a decentralized system of government. The federation constitutes the central government and the smaller units that partially govern themselves. It is usually democratic.


Advantages – It fosters pluralism where people in the different states can come together for the national interests but they remain as autonomous groups. This, in effect, leads to greater political stability in the country. It also creates laboratories for democracy where the failures or successes of one state can be used as lessons for other states (Sparknotes.com, 1). States loyalties are also maintained as people remain in their home state.
Disadvantages – In a federal form of governance, it is impossible to come up with a common national policy since the states act independently. The system also creates a loophole for lack of accountability. This is mainly because the responsibilities of the national and state governments might overlap. In such a case, one authority can be lax in its work. Political Science Essay Example

Works Cited

Southsearepublic.org. Separation of Powers and Parliamentary Systems. 2012. Web, 26th March 2012, http://www.southsearepublic.org/article/135/read/separation_of_powers_and_parliamentary_systems
Sparknotes.com. Federalism: Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism. 2012. Web, 26th March 2012, http://www.sparknotes.com/us-government-and-politics/american-government/federalism/section4.rhtml. Political Science Essay Example