Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

Philosophy of science is the complex field of knowledge which intends to unite the worlds of sciences and humanities to discuss the aspects of science with references to humanities. From this point, philosophy of science aims to explain the aspects close to the field of humanities because of the necessity to provide the large theoretical background and to question points which are not important for scientists due to the lack of an empirical component.Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

Thus, the philosophy of nursing provides the expanded theoretical background for nursing as practice, focusing on the questions of theories and methods used in the nursing practice. As a result, nursing can depend on different theories which can be rather philosophical or they can combine the aspects of science and philosophy as the theory of strings does.Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

The PBS documentary The Elegant Universe is based on Brian Greene’s book in which the theory of strings is discussed as the “theory for everything” (The Elegant Universe, 2011). According to Greene, the paradox in science which depends on the impossibility to unite the general theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein and the quantum mechanics can be overcome with references to the theory of strings because of its universality.

Although the theory of strings is too complicated to understand it fully, and it is rather controversial, the elements of the theory can be applied to the discussion of many issues related to philosophy of science because Greene states that it is difficult to draw the line between science and philosophy while discussing the creation of the Universe and its principles.

Following the theory of strings, it is possible to assume that the world exists basing on the vibration of tiny strings which are the energy strings. From this point, the world laws are based on the laws of energy and its distribution and interaction of strings (The Elegant Universe, 2011). In spite of the fact these principles are difficult to apply to the philosophy of nursing directly, there are some points which should be discussed from the perspective of this theory.


According to Kuhn, the philosophical knowledge about science is based on the paradigm shift. Thus, the paradigm is the complex of beliefs about the world or the definite aspect, or element of knowledge along with the complex of methods used to understand this element (Dahnke & Dreher, 2011, p. 105).

However, the borders of a paradigm can be expanded with references to the idea typical for the theory of strings that there are several extra dimensions in the world. That is why, the variety is possible (Critchley, 2001). Thus, the set of beliefs, techniques, and methods can be observed from the other perspective. As a result, the philosophy of nursing can also provide a variety of visions for definite aspects of nursing practice.Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

If the scientists of string theory are dissenting voices because of the shared philosophy, there are many dissenting voices in the other spheres, including nursing, because of the possibilities to discuss the problem from the philosophical perspective. Thus, multiple scientific paradigms can coexist as well as the multidimensional reality can exist (Klemke & Hollinger, 1998; Okasha, 2002).

It is possible to refer to the impossibility to test the theory of strings from the point of its connection with the philosophy of science. Philosophy of nursing is also the specific field of knowledge which cannot be discussed with references to the principles of empiricism.

Moreover, the paradox of understanding the creation of the world from the point of science and philosophy is also correlated with the paradox of discussing nursing as the practice and as the theory because of its multidimensional character and connection with medicine, ethics, psychology, and philosophy.

The theory of strings allows focusing on the majority of variants originated from the multiple vibrations which are different. Referring to nursing, it is important to state that it is usually possible to choose the right variant from the majority in practice.

Nursing is the complex sphere of knowledge and practice which unites these fields to achieve a positive result. Philosophical questions as well as ethical and scientific are associated with nursing. Making this or that choice, nurses contribute to vibrating, focusing on positive or negative aspects.

The theory of strings states that everything is united in a whole and energy of strings vibrates and cooperates. Cooperation is also the principle of nursing practice which can come from this philosophy.

The discussion of the theory of strings basing on the PBS documentary helps rethink the definite aspects of the philosophy of science and nursing from the other perspective. To combine science and philosophy as well as theory and practice is difficult, but the theory of strings with its focus on the unity and vibrating energy states that this unity is the fundament of the world’s existence.Nursing Science Philosophy Essay

From this point, the unity of science and philosophy and correlation becomes more obvious. The given philosophical framework is necessary to realize the further research on the problem. The documentary is an effective tool to understand the aspects of the problem because of involving many senses of the audience and making people focus on the issue discussed.


Critchley, S. (2001). Continental philosophy: A very short introduction. Oxford England: Oxford University Press.

Dahnke, M., & Dreher, H. (2011). Philosophy of science for nursing practice: Concepts and application. USA: Springer Publishing Company.

Klemke, E. D., & Hollinger, R. (1998). Introductory readings in the philosophy of science. USA: Prometheus Books.

Okasha, D. (2002). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.Nursing Science Philosophy Essay