Narcolepsy Treatment and Management

Narcolepsy Treatment and Management

Each neuron receives an impulse, which it has to pass on to the next, ensuring that the sequence does not break (BBC, 2014). Dendrites get an impulse through a chemical sequence; this impulse is then transmitted through the axon to reach the next neuron.Narcolepsy Treatment and Management

CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord; PNS is composed of the somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. The difference in function between CNS and PNS is that CNS deals with involuntary information while PNS deals with the voluntary one.

Based on the symptoms, the patient’s most probable diagnosis is narcolepsy. Hypothalamus is the part of the brain that is affected by the condition; with the lack of hypocretins deteriorating alertness and preventing rapid eye movement sleep from occurring at the right time. The EEG for the condition will likely show lower alpha power, higher theta and delta power during wakefulness, and higher alpha and beta power during REM sleep (Sasai-Sakuma & Inoue, 2015).


For treating and managing the symptoms of narcolepsy, chemical treatment may include Ritalin (alertness improvement), Provigil (reduction of excessive daytime sleepiness), antidepressants (e.g. Prozac for reducing the incidence of cataplexy), and Xyrem (for narcolepsy treatment if the previously mentioned medications fail) (“Sleep disorders: Treatments for narcolepsy,” 2015).Narcolepsy Treatment and Management

Regarding physical treatment, the patient is advised to take short scheduled naps, sleep at least 7.5 hours at night, do exercises, avoid driving and operating heavy machinery, wearing protective equipment when in water (Nallu, 2017). Also, the patient should get emotional support and career counseling to avoid the adverse effects of the condition on daily activities. It is also beneficial to assist the patient with documentation regarding disability inquiries and insurance.


BBC. (2014). Science: The nervous system. Web.

Nallu, S. (2017). Narcolepsy treatment & management. Web.

Sasai-Sakuma, T., & Inoue, Y. (2015). Differences in electroencephalographic findings among categories of narcolepsy-spectrum disorders. Sleep Medicine, 16(8), 999-1005.

Sleep disorders: Treatments for narcolepsy. (2015). Web.Narcolepsy Treatment and Management