Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

The theme of research is “The problems of mismanagement at hospital respiratory units and ways of solving them.” Taking into consideration the topic of the investigation, it is possible to suggest a qualitative research design to perform the study. Out of the variety of qualitative research methods, grounded theory seems to be the most suitable in this case (Neuman 2014). Grounded theory is an approach that is frequently used with interpretivist methods (Collis & Hussey 2013). This kind of inductive theorizing presupposes establishing new analytical ideas from the existing theories rather than performing the analysis of the known concepts (Neuman 2014). An example of the employment of grounded theory is the study by Mishra, Gupta, and Bhatnagar (2014) focused on the exploration of work-family enrichment.Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

Using grounded theory enables researchers to establish the reasons, moderators, and outcomes of work-family enrichment. The approach is useful because it allows scholars to investigate the ideas based on known theories without having to formulate a theory of their own. Mishra, Gupta, and Bhatnagar (2014) emphasize the accuracy provided by grounded theory when it is employed in business research. Since the current project is also associated with business and management, grounded theory seems like a good choice of methodology. Another way of using grounded theory is the study by Fay (2011) concentrated on the employees’ choice of approaches to informal communication. This research is an example of how qualitative methodology may be used to identify patterns of communication between co-workers through a thematic analysis of their messages.


In order to contextualize research from a qualitative perspective, it is necessary to gather some background details (Collis & Hussey 2013). For the present study, such data will involve social, legal, and political issues. To understand the context of research perfectly, the information about mismanagement at different hospitals has to be collected, and the reasons causing such a state of affairs should be investigated.Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

The sampling method that will be most valuable for data collection is random sampling (Anderson 2013). This method gives a researcher a possibility to have the most reliable and independent data. When employing random sampling, any issue or participant included in the study has equal chances to be investigated (Neuman 2015). Moreover, this method helps to calculate the correlation between the whole population and the sample that is called the sampling error (Neuman 2014). Thus, random sampling suggests more reliability of the collected data.

There are some differences between qualitative and quantitative research that outline the benefits and limitations of each approach. The advantages of qualitative research over quantitative one include the possibility to analyze the data more precisely, base the framework of research on available data, and operate within the adaptable structures. Another asset of qualitative studies is that they are based on observations and people’s experiences. Also, a smaller sample size that is usually used in this type of research enables scholars not to spend much money on the study (Ary et al. 2018). Along with many benefits, qualitative research also has some limitations. The major one is the subjectivity of the gathered data. Other disadvantages include difficulties in presenting data, researcher’s negative impact on the course of the project, and a rather low possibility to replicate the results (Neuman 2014). Feasibility constraints of qualitative research are related to the search of the participants, data, and other materials necessary to perform the study. The key differences in planning research from a quantitative and qualitative perspectives include the choice of methodology, differences in the number of participants, sampling approaches, and data analysis tools.Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units

Reference List

Anderson, V 2013, Research methods in human resource management, 3rd edn, London, UK: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Ary, D, Jacobs, LC, Irvine, CKS & Walker, DA 2018, Introduction to research in education, 10th edn, Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Mismanagement at Hospital Respiratory Units